
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendered Graduate Students at Maryland can always use communal space to discuss their academic work, social events, or politics, if that's one's thing. LGBTatUMD is a place open to all to post on related topics. Please contact if you'd like posting rights to this blog. If you're a graduate student at all interested for any reason in sexuality and cluture and want to blog about it, you're welcome. [Posting comments is disabled to prevent spam.]

Location: College Park, Maryland, United States

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Spirituality and Sexuality

The New York Times is running a story about the Vatican sending agents to inspect American seminaries to find "homosexuals".

Vatican To Check U.S. Seminaries for Gay Presence
Published: September 15, 2005

Investigators appointed by the Vatican have been instructed to review each of the 229 Roman Catholic seminaries in the United States for "evidence of homosexuality" and for faculty members who dissent from church teaching, according to a document prepared to guide the process.

Increasingly, I feel the need to speak out against current events that appear to counter the spirit of equality and freedom of thought, especially if the events relate specifically to LGBT people.

It was not long ago, the early 1980s, when Catholic University purged itself of LGBT faculty. I wonder what our classmates down the road are thinking as they read this article, probably NOT news to them.